Welcome to Pomegranate Seed. I’m Armand Yerjanian and this is my newsletter.
“Defeat selfishness in the sole pursuit of selflessness.”
It’s been my entire purpose to realize myself in this context.. to be a mystic, to feel and empathize, to seek pains and truths to build bridges of hope and fruit.
The idea of this newsletter is simply to be an outlet for me to go a bit deeper into these truths and pains: society, economics, and politics.
My goal is for this space to be free-flowing. I'm 25, I've only been privileged, so while this will certainly mostly be my own loose thoughts, hopefully, they'll be informed by constantly talking and asking questions to real humans who do not have the same privilege.
I will always be open to criticism, feedback, and suggestions, so hit me here at ayerjanian@gmail.com or just reply back!
If you are a copyeditor, a grammar soldier, or OCD over spelling please, I need your help!
Sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue.
In the meantime, tell your friends!
Armand Yerjanian